Baby Letter #8– October

It’s time for my final baby letter. If you’re new to my blog, my husband and I are expecting our first child in just over two weeks. Each month since I found out I was pregnant, I have written a letter to my baby, both for our bonding now, but also for my son/daughter to have as a memento. You can read through the other letters below. But this one is my favorite.


Baby Letter– October

Hello Nemo,

Well my tiny darling, we made it. There were many times this year that I thought today would never come, but it has. This is my last letter to you. It’s time for you to come out now.

It’s a strange feeling for me. On the one hand, I see myself in the mirror, and I think that my body can’t possibly expand any more. My stomach is comically large. It looks ridiculously out of place contrasted to the rest of me. I can feel your weight independent from my own. The pressure that you create at the bottom of my abdomen sometimes feels unbearable. Honestly, Dad and I are still worried that you’re going to come a bit earlier than anyone expects. Especially these last few days. You get a wild hair every once in a while. Continue reading