Obama Rally (or, How I Saved a Froggie)

I’m breaking from my Tennessee posts to do this one real quick, while it’s still somewhat timely.

A few weeks ago, Brandon and I went to see Obama speak in St. Petersburg. We both had seen him before, but not recently. I saw him in Durham when he was trying to secure the Democratic nomination, and Brandon saw him in Columbus when he was campaigning in ’08. The experience this time was quite different, because it turns out that going to see your president isn’t like going to see some guy who’s not your president. We are both big Obama supporters and were very excited, though. (If you despise him, please just skip my post. Don’t leave me comments about why he sucks because I will instantly delete them.)

We arrived about three hours early, which we thought would be plenty of time. We were surprised to find the line was already quite long. And by quite, I mean, super duper crazy long.


I was not amused.

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