Baby Letter #3– May

Time for another baby letter! This is the third letter that I have written to our child, debuting this fall. Letter one and two are down the page.

Baby Letter– May

Hello Nemo,

It’s May, we are officially in our second trimester, and I am no longer tempted to mutter hexes at you while I cling to my puke bucket. The clouds parted, the sun is shining on us, and it is wonderful!

My nausea disappeared almost completely around week 14 or 15. While some things still get to me—bumpy car rides, the smell of the detergent aisle in the grocery—my queasiness is now much rarer. Much, much rarer. I am a person again, and fairly competent at getting through an average day. Continue reading

Baby letter #2– April

This is the second letter in a series that I am writing to my first child, due this October. Scroll down to read the first letter.

Baby Letter– April

Hello baby,

It took me several weeks of reflection, but I have finally come up with your nickname.

I tossed around a few ideas. Lots of people call their baby “peanut”, because they think all you tiny young ones look like peanuts. However, your mom has already discovered that you look mostly like an evil shrimp, which does not make a cute nickname. And I could never call you something as common and generic as peanut. Continue reading