Baby Letter #5– July

Time for July’s letter, #5, and telling our first child about his/her heritage. The letters are starting to creep up in word count, as I feel a slight pressure to hurry and say anything I want our little bit to know before the big October birthday.


Baby Letter– July

Hello Nemo,

It is July now, and you and I are finishing up our second trimester. On the one hand, I am nervous to enter the third trimester because number two has been so fabulous to us, but on the other hand, I am dying to meet you and I honestly want the wait over as soon as possible.

You are 25 weeks in uterus age, and most days you are discontent with the size of my abdomen. You measure just over a foot long, and you are somewhere between 1.5 and 2 pounds. You kick, punch, and head butt me every hour to let me know that a little more room would be appreciated. You are absolutely killing me with rib pain. Continue reading