A Peter Pan Nursery

For the past two months, we’ve been hard at work on our little Nemo’s nursery. I’ve known for years that I wanted our first baby’s nursery to have a Peter Pan theme. It is one of my favorite Disney films and, I think, especially suited to a child’s imagination. Brandon came up with some preliminary designs, and we got to work. All of the paintings in the room are on canvas– that way, if we have a second baby in this house, the Peter Pan things will go with Nemo to a larger bedroom, and the nursery can be redesigned for the new little bit. Continue reading

A Little Backstory…

I figured our story would be a good place to start. Most of you know this already, but it’s a fun excuse to dig through my old pictures.

So without further ado…

“The Story of the Huffmans”

or, “Oh My Gawd We Sure Have Moved Around A Lot”

We met at our alma mater, the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. I suspected it at the time, but I can now confirm that Chapel Hill is the best place on earth. It’s naturally gorgeous, especially in the fall

It also has the best basketball team ever (yeah, yeah, unless you went to UCLA or Kentucky, keep walking)

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