Baby Letter #4– June

On to baby letter #4, which means that half of all the letters are now posted. I only have four more to post (two yet to be written) until our little bundle arrives in October.


Baby Letter– June

Hello Nemo,

We have officially made it halfway. You are 20 weeks in uterus age (I should mention that doctors call this “gestational age” but uterus age is just more fun). We are doing even better than last month, and compared to your first few weeks, Mom has very little to complain about.

I get tired if I stand for long periods of time, or do big bouts of walking, since we have 1.5x as much blood as I would normally have. All that blood pools in my legs and makes them feel like heavy logs. You make my ribs hurt terribly, especially at night, as you rearrange everything in my abdomen. Continue reading